OS X: IPython Notebooks on an an external drive with Anaconda

Anaconda, running on El Capitan, only provides access to files and folders under the current user’s home directory.


My Dropbox folder lives on an external drive and therefore isn’t accessible from the folder list. (I actually use a slimline 128 GB JetDrive card from Transcend.. fast enough for my 100+ GB of Dropbox files).

The solution was to create a symbolic link in my Documents folder which referenced the external Dropbox folder.

$ ln -s /Volumes/SDCARD/Dropbox ~/Documents/DB

From Anaconda’s perspective this looks like any other folder:


WCF HttpListenerException

A problem I’ve had for a while:

Running an application from Visual Studio 2013 without administrator privileges and trying to start a WCF service results in a HttpListenerException.

My service host’s URI was http://localhost:8000.


The problem goes away when Studio is started with Administrator:


But that’s a pain for me for a variety of reasons.

I googled and found lots of information on stackoverflow. I tried to use the developer-reserved Design_Time_Addresses solution on port 8732, and then on 8731, but to no avail.

So then I figured how to look for this URL on my PC. From a command shell run:

netsh http show urlacl

Then I spotted the design time addresses URL:


Port 8733 !

So I changed my URI to http://localhost:8733/Design_Time_Addresses and everything worked.

This new URI is only for use when running the service in a debugged session via Visual Studio. For normal runtime use I still use the original URI of http://localhost:8000.

Update: I’m now using the following property to get the URI at runtime:

static public string ServerPath
        string serverPath = "http://localhost:8000";

        if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached == true)
            serverPath = "http://localhost:8733/Design_Time_Addresses";

        return serverPath;

iOS mail signature woes

This morning I decided to update my company email signatures and synchronise them between the MacBook Pro (Mavericks), the iPhone and the iPad.

A couple of hours later I finally cracked it!

The main issue I had was preventing iOS from automatically converting numbers and addresses into links. This is a particular problem when it gets it wrong and doesn’t provide any obvious means of editing/cancelling the links.

First I used an online HTML editor to make my signature:


Then I copied the rendered output to the mail app on Mavericks:


Then I tried emailing myself using the new signature. On Mavericks it looked perfect, but on the iPhone it misinterpreted some of the  information:


In this case just the company number was displayed as a telephone number link. But on one of my other email accounts half of the address was converted to a link while the other half remained as text.

I don’t think it’s possible to suppress this automatic conversion, and I can live with it because usually it works quite well.

My iPhone and iPad problems started when I tried to copy the signature to the clipboard and paste it into the signature box on the settings app:

So, the copy and paste has worked, but it’s not what I want. I’ve lost the font type and size, and nearly everything is blue.

I then tried using the online HTML editor on the iPhone but the rendered output had automatic link conversions on the telephone numbers. Not really a problem but it was still doing things I didn’t want.

Then I decided to try a cunning plan: I sent myself an email with the signature broken into multiple lines, so that no one line appeared to contain a useable telephone number or address:


Then I copied the message to the iPhone’s email signature editor but it lost the font!

Finally, as I was considering giving up, I went back to the MacBook and pasted my signature onto Evernote and split it into multiple lines again. Back on the iPhone I copied the mangled signature  from Evernote to the signature editor:


Progress! Next I edited the signature to remove the line breaks:


And finally an email:


Ok, so the telephone numbers have been converted into links but I suspect I can never prevent that, and since these are telephone numbers then I’m fine with it. But I’ve got my font type and size, and the company number is just a number (not a link), and I’ve roughly got what I wanted.

Then I repeated the last few steps again on the iPad.

There are plenty of iOS apps for making signatures but I really wanted to have the in-built signature working. And now I have it. But there must be a better way, either now or in the future. And once Apple and Google start talking to each other I might even see emails as they arrive without having to restart the mail app on Mavericks.

OS X, Python 3.3, LiClipse

Yesterday I tried to get Eclipse and PyDev installed on my MacBook Pro (running Mavericks). After a couple of hours of struggling I gave up and discovered LiClipse which is a highly recommended system for working with Python and many other languages from the Eclipse framework.

I used a clean OS X Mavericks virtual machine to get my installation nailed down, especially important since I wanted to work with Python 3.x.


Download and install:

  1. Python 3.x.
  2. Java 7.
  3. LiClipse: click the Google Drive link, select the latest version (currently 0.9.6), click and download the OS X file (currently liclipse_0.9.6_macosx.cocoa.x86_64.dmg), then install using all default options.


Eject all download package (DMG) folders on the desktop.

Use Finder and go to Applications, open the liclipse folder, then drag the LiClipse app to the dock.

Run LiClipse. If a software update prompt appears for Java SE 6 then install it.

Accept all defaults when starting for the first time and restart the app.
Select File / New project, then select PyDev/PyDev Project:

Hit Next, then set a project name and click the link to configure an interpreter:


Select the advanced configuration option:


Then select python3.3:


On the next screen make sure all folders are selected:


Back on the new project screen make any other changes – I opted not to configure the Python path – then click Finish:


The Open Associated Perspective prompt may appear – I chose to associate the project with the PyDev perspective:


These Python and perspective settings will be used the next time LiClipse is started for Python projects.

Quick Python test

Following on from the above new I added a new Python file, entered a couple of lines of code, and ran it:







If the debugger is used, for example by stepping through the code, there’ll be an option to switch to another perspective – this should be used for debugging:


This presents more window areas for examining variables, viewing the editor and console output, etc:


After the debugging session is complete the Debug perspective will still be active. To switch back to the original perspective use the menus:
  • Window | Open Perspective | Other, then select PyDev.

Automated Dynamic DNS updating on Raspberry Pi

I use a Raspberry Pi to host SVN and Git repositories but don’t have a static IP with my BT Infinity account. To support remote connectivity I use a dynamic DNS service from Dyn.

The only feature missing was the ability to detect when the IP address had changed, and then to automatically update it.

So with a bit lot of Googling I’ve put together a Python 3 script which is run hourly via crontabThe script uses Dyn’s IP address utility to find the current IP address. This is compared to the last known IP address which I store in a text file. If the address has changed then Dyn’s Perform Update utility is used to sent the new IP address. Any changes or errors are emailed back to me.

Here’s the script:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import re
import urllib.request
import os
import sys
import smtplib

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# variable: lastIPAddressFileName
# The name of a file used to store the last committed IP address.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
lastIPAddressFileName = '/var/tmp/last_router_ip'

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# function: mailInfo
# Emails a message to one or more recipients. This should just be used for
# errors and successful changes of IP. (I.e. not used for regular no-change
# messages).
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def mailInfo(info):
	#print('Sending email [{0}]'.format(info))
	from email.mime.text import MIMEText

	msg = MIMEText(
	"Hello from the Raspberry Pi DNS IP update utility.\n"
	"I have a new message for you:\n\n{0}".format(info))

	msg['Subject'] = 'CDS.RPi DSN IP Utility'
	msg['From'] = 'CDS RPi'
	msg['To'] = 'jon@carpediemsystems.co.uk'

	s = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.gmail.com', 587)
	s.login('jon@carpediemsystems.co.uk', '******')
	s.sendmail('jon@carpediemsystems.co.uk', ['jon@carpediemsystems.co.uk'], msg.as_string())

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# function: findRouterIP
# Returns the IP of the router by scraping the results of the DYN DNS check
# IP web site. None is returned if the address cannot be found.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def findRouterIP():

	ipAddress = None
	webAddress = 'http://checkip.dyndns.org/'
	siteData = urllib.request.urlopen(url = webAddress).read()
	siteAsText = str(siteData)
	ipAddresses = re.findall('\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}', siteAsText)

	if(len(ipAddresses) == 1):
		ipAddress = ipAddresses[0]

	return ipAddress

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# function: dynDnsPerformUpdate
# Updates the IP address of a DynDNS host using Dyn's Perform Update request.
# The resulting web page is scraped and the function will return True if one
# of the valid results codes is seen (meaning the IP address was either updated
# or was not changed).
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def dynDnsPerformUpdate(username, password, hostname, ipAddress):

	url = 'http://{0}:{1}@members.dyndns.org/nic/update?hostname={2}&myip={3}&wildcard=NOCHG&mx=NOCHG&backmx=NOCHG'.format(username, password, hostname, ipAddress)
	fancyOpener = urllib.request.FancyURLopener()
	siteData = fancyOpener.open(url).read()
	siteAsText = str(siteData)

	acceptableResults = ['good', 'nochg']
	isOk = len([r for r in acceptableResults if r in siteAsText]) > 0
	return isOk

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# function: checkForNewIPAddress
# Finds the current router IP address and compares it to the last address
# saved to the lastIPAddressFileName file (if it exists).
# Returns a tuple:
#	Current IP address (string)
#	Is this a new and valid IP address (boolean)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def checkForNewIPAddress():
	lastIPAddress = None

	if(os.path.exists(lastIPAddressFileName) == True):
		with open(lastIPAddressFileName, 'r') as f:
			lastIPAddress = f.read()

	currentIPAddress = findRouterIP()
	isNewIPAddress = ((currentIPAddress != None) and (currentIPAddress != lastIPAddress))

	return currentIPAddress, isNewIPAddress

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# function: saveNewIPAddress
# Sends the new IP address to Dyn DNS. This is also saved to the
# lastIPAddressFileName file if the web operation succeeded.
# Returns True if the operation succeeded.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def saveNewIPAddress(newIPAddress):
	username = '******'
	password = '******'
	host = '******.dnsalias.net'
	didUpdate = dynDnsPerformUpdate(username = username, password = password, hostname = host, ipAddress = newIPAddress)

	if(didUpdate == True):
		with open(lastIPAddressFileName, 'w') as f:

	return didUpdate

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Script main
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

	currentIPAddress, isNewIPAddress = checkForNewIPAddress()

	if(currentIPAddress == None):
		mailInfo('ERROR: failed to get current IP address')
	elif(isNewIPAddress == False):
		print('IP address is unchanged - nothing to do')
		mailInfo('IP address updated to {0}'.format(currentIPAddress))
   mailInfo("ERROR: An unexpected error was detected in the script:", sys.exc_info()[0])

Note: the scripting presentation in this post was done by using WordPress.com’s sourcecode widget, as described here.

The script was saved to:


and made executable with:

sudo chmod +x DNS_IP_Util.py

It was scheduled to run hourly by editing root’s cron file. The command to run the editor is:

sudo crontab -e

The cron file was edited to include the following two lines:

# DNS update, every day, hourly
0 * * * * /bin/DNS_IP_Util.py &

Standing desk (ikea hack)

I’m starting my third week of standing, rather than sitting, at work. There’s been much written on this subject and I’m not 100% sure that it’s the right long term solution but so far I feel more focussed and less like a 12-hour-a-day slob.

My office already had some Ikea Expedit shelves on the wall, and I’d tried converting my table into a simple standing desk. But the table was around 6 inches too low and due to it having just four very extended legs it was also quite wobbly.

2013-12-03 09.15.08

Then I saw this excellent Ikea Hack for an Expedit Standing Desk.

My hack is a variation on the above desk system; I strengthened the front 5*1 unit by retaining the first and last internal panels – this had the advantage of providing a bit more storage as well. The wall shelves came down and formed sides to the desk, and now it’s starting to feel pretty cool (this being day 2 of this configuration).

I modelled the system on Google Sketchup:

i1 i2 i3 i4

Then I built it, and here it is:

2013-12-16 18.37.43 2013-12-16 18.38.12

Once I can lose the bits and bobs on the floor and tidy up the shelves it’s going to be super cool.

OmniGraffle 6: changing default settings

Changing the default settings in OmniGraffle 6 is straightforward – once you know the magic trick !!

The toolbar icons mainly have three states. Using the line tool as an example:

1: Unselected


2: Selected (after clicking once) – in this mode the default tool settings will be used. Changes made via the inspector will apply only to the currently selected shape or line, etc.


3: Defaults mode (after clicking twice) – in this mode changes made in the inspector will become the new defaults.


OS X Pages 5.0 graphics in header

The latest version of Pages for OS X and iOS is great for iCloud users who want to edit documents on both desktop and mobile with maximum compatibility. But Pages for OS X has lost many features to attain this compatibility.

Yesterday I tried to create a new document with a company logo in the header, so that it would repeat on every page. The process wasn’t intuitive!

First off the Pages 5.0 manual is easiest to find via Pages, rather than Googling for it:


Then the trick is discovering master objects.

You can add text, watermarks, logos, or other images that appear in the same place in the background of every page of your document. These repeated elements are called master objects.

So here’s my sequence of events for getting an image into the document header so that it repeats on every page:

  1. New (blank) document.
  2. Turn on Layout View (⇧⌘L). This makes it a little easier to see where the header and body areas of the document are.
  3. Drag and drop the logo to the document body.
  4. Resize the logo and drag to the appropriate location in the header. Caution: if the resized logo fits within the header cell boundary it seems difficult or impossible to re-select it. I made mine slightly larger so that the mouse cursor could just click it.
  5. With the logo selected use the menu Arrange | Section Masters | Move Object to Section Master to make the logo a master object.
  6. If the logo needs to be repositioned use the Arrange | Section Masters | Make Master Objects Selectable to allow this and any other background objects to be selected.

Shapes for header/foot borders

This technique can also be used with shapes to allow the header and/or foot to have a full width border. For example, after setting up the header text try adding a simple shape to the document:


Resize the shape and add any effects, move it below the header, use the menus again to make it a master object:


When viewed as a PDF in Preview:



This is all possible on the iPad, give or take a few frustrating finger taps and Googling!

The user manual is here.